The Inversion of the Cartesian subject

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As part of the exploratory venture titled “Deciphering Subjectivity Series α,” this artwork delves into the intricate landscape of subjectivity in our increasingly digitized world. Rooted in the fusion of diverse philosophical concepts, this project seeks to unearth fresh avenues for artistic expression.

In its inaugural phase, “The Inversion the Cartesian subject” is a manifestation guided by the binary code, a fundamental element underlying the digital realm. Its conceptual genesis lies in an intellectual interplay between the thoughts of René Descartes and Jacques Lacan, bridging their disparate viewpoints on identity and subjectivity across epochs.

The sculpture, comprised of eight luminous cubes, serves not only as a visual homage to the texts and pixels shaping our digital perceptions but also as a nod to Lacan’s explorations into semiotics and linguistics. Drawing inspiration from Lacan’s fascination with cybernetics, the arrangement echoes the intricate dialogue between language and psyche explored in his seminar on “The Purloined Letter” in the mid-50s

“The Inversion of the Cartesian subject”

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